4 ton coal boiler for starch manufacturing company

4 ton DZL chain grate coal burning boiler for a starch manufacturing company have been commissioned and successfully operated.


Henan Yuanda Boiler Corporation Ltd

Project country: Bangladesh

Model: DZL4-1.25-AⅡ

Rated evaporation capacity: 4 ton/h (tph), 2800KW, 2400000kcal

Working pressure: 1.25MPa, 13bar, 12.5kg/m2

Boiler medium: 7000kg steam output per hour

Temperature: 194℃

Fuel: coal burning boiler

Application: starch processing industry

Boiler structure: fire tube and water tube chain grate boiler

Boiler configuration: water treatment system + water film dust removal equipment+ economizer + control cabinet etc.

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